Announcement on the Government Bond Auction on December 14, 2022


Next week, the State Treasury will call for the auction of a total of VND 9,000 billion of Government bonds at tenors of 10 years (VND 6,000 billion) and 15 years (VND 3,000 billion).

The total value of G-bonds issued since the beginning of the year has reached 49% of the original annual plan. Specifically, the issuing values of the 10, 15, 20 and 30-year tenors are VND 116,812 billion (reaching 83% of the 2022 plan), VND 66,520 billion (reaching 44% of the 2022 plan), VND 2,265 billion (reaching 8% of the 2022 plan), VND 8,625 billion (reaching 25% of the 2022 plan), respectively.  VST is expected to revise down the total offering value in 2022 to VND 215,000 billion. Accordingly, the total value of G-bonds issued since beginning of the year would reach 90% of the tentative G-bonds auction plan for 2022.