Launching 10-year Government bond futures contract on June 28, 2021



Hanoi Stock Exchange will launch the 10-year government bond futures contract on June 28, 2021. SSC approval documents for this product implementation include:


1. Approval of 10-year government bond futures contract


According to Letter No.6820/UBCK-PTTT, Hanoi Stock Exchange, Vietnam Securities Depository Center coordinate to finalize relevant regulations and reports to SSC on the preparation to put the product into trading in order to summarize and report to the Ministry for approval as soon as possible. The 10-year government bond futures contract template includes 22 terms. Please click here to view the details of the letter.


2. Approval of position limit of 10 year Bond Future

Type of investor

The maximum number of 10-year government bond futures contracts per account

Professional investor as organization


Professional investor as individual


Organizational investor


Individual investor

Not applied yet


3. Approval for the date and time of the launching of 10 year Bond Future on June 28, 2021